Cabrera mess

Well what a mess. Instead of focusing on the biggest game of the year we are focusing on MIggy getting drunk with Freddy Garcia and then fighting with his wife. Alcohol levell.26 - wow. Why didn't Cabrera and the Tigers own up to it right away? The truth always comes out - now they are scrambling... WDIV says he also got drunk a month ago at the Townsend Hotel and police were called. Even though he is a helluva ball player what his his future now in Detroit? Are star athletes role models? Should he have played this weekend? he sure was non-productive.

Still, all things considered I am postive for tomorrow. GO TIGERS.


  1. Well it's "only" alcohol and as far as we know he didn't rape or kill anyone so I assume he has a secure future in Detroit. I don't believe athletes SHOULD be role models but nevertheless many young people look up to them. I'm less concerned with the "crime" than the coverup. If you make a mistake admit it and move on.

  2. And speaking of Freddy Garcia, I liked him w/ Detroit last year and thought we should've signed hi instead of letting him walk.

  3. I do agree about the cover up - shame on Dumbrowski. He picked up Miggy from the slammer. A generic statement should have been made soon afterwards. Yesterday's manufactured statement seems less than sincere. Coming after Miggy's slump this weekend makes it look worse. And for the money these "superstars" make ...
    Give me somebody I can believe in Granderson and Inge (though I hate those tatoos) - they are the real deal. three years ago, one of our "superstars" played too much Guitar Hero and got reinjured moving boxes ???

    Good Luck Tigers at 5:07 - it will be a great vicotry for the team in the standings and in overcoming adversity.

  4. Chuck, I have seen Granderson and Inge stay after spring training practice and sign autographs while chatting with fans. They seem to enjoy it.

  5. Up all night and fall-down drunk with a division championship in the balance... Who does Cabrera think he is, Mickey Mantle?
